Brand Introduction

        In Shuishang Township, Chiayi County, Taiwan, this land is renowned for its fertile soil and unique climate, making it an ideal place for cultivating the most delicious papayas. The brand “Cing Mu Tang” emerged, symbolizing a commitment to the environment and green agriculture. Our papaya products continue to be sold with the highest quality and flavors, establishing us as a trusted brand.

About Cing Mu Tang

Our Cing Mu Tang products are primarily produced using the papaya strain ‘Tainung No. 2,’ complemented by other varieties like ‘Huangshang’ and ‘Risheng.’ From production and harvesting to grading and packaging, we adhere to the spirit of the Global Good Agricultural Practices (GLOBAL G.A.P.), ensuring strict control and consistent quality.

We are honored to be the first TGAP PLUS group certified, aiming to revolutionize traditional agricultural cultivation methods. Through the integration of smart devices in our production zones, we strive for the advancement of precision agriculture. In the future, we aim to continue expanding our connection between production areas and consumers, offering a wider range of healthy, high-quality agricultural products.

Cing Mu Tang Team

Recognized as one of the top ten outstanding agricultural production and marketing groups nationwide, and the first in Taiwan to pass the TGAP PLUS production and marketing traceability group certification.

The History of Cing Mu Tang


Agricultural Novices: A group of like-minded friends starting with a small area to cultivate papayas.



First-time Group Certification



Research on Typhoon-Resistant Enhanced Horizontal Shelf-Net House Construction Model



The establishment of the 13th class of fruit tree (papaya) producers in Shuishang Township, Chiayi County, where a member was honored as an expert in production and marketing traceability.


Introducing smart agriculture for field management in collaboration with research units to construct key papaya production technologies compliant with international verification standards: including Line check-ins, digitized production and marketing traceability records, and a customized papaya grading system.



The establishment of Greenwood Hall Fruits and Vegetables Production Cooperative (Agricultural Production and Marketing Class Enterprise and Innovative Operation Guidance Program). The smart agriculture park has completed the construction of a 10-hectare net house technology output, establishing a papaya production demonstration base in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, focusing on optimized papaya irrigation techniques.



Recognized as one of the top ten outstanding agricultural production and marketing classes nationwide, the first in Taiwan to pass TGAP PLUS production and marketing traceability group certification (TGAP PLUS covering an area of 17.49 hectares).

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